5 Tips For Producing Great Corporate Video Interviews

5 Tips for Producing Great Corporate Video Interviews
By Ron Bosse

Here are 5 tips for producing great corporate video interviews:

1. Multiple Camera Angles

Although you can certainly capture a great interview with one camera, a multiple camera angle set-up will often add more variety to your production. If you have 2 cameras, try setting up a “medium” front shot, and a “close-up” side shot. At Bosse Studios, we typically set the “close-up” side camera on a slider which can add a lot to the overall production value of the interview. If you have 3 cameras to work with, try using the same set-up from above, and use the additional camera as a wide shot that captures the entire production process. This “behind the scenes” approach isn’t appropriate for all situations, but in some cases it can really open up the shot and add an entirely new dimension to the interview.

2. Audio

There’s an old adage in the video industry that people will accept less than optimal video footage, but never bad audio. Our standard audio set-up for video interviews at Bosse Studios is a wireless lavalier mic and a shotgun mic running into 2 separate tracks of our main camera. The shotgun is typically used as a backup in case there is a problem with the lavalier track. Although the shotgun mic delivers a decent audio signal, we prefer the less ambient and more focused audio signal of the lavalier mic. Be sure to check levels on the mic’s before fiming to ensure that there is no clipping, and that the signal is clear of any undesirable interference.

3. Background

Nothing can compromise the overall look and feel of your interview than a bad background. Try to find a background that corresponds to the subject matter of the individual’s interview, or that is indicative of their role in the business. For example, if you are interviewing a CEO for a corporate marketing video, try conducting the interview in a nice conference room or office. If you are interviewing a scientist or a recording engineer, try using a laboratory or studio as your background. If you are using a green screen, be sure to choose the background you’ll be using before you shoot the interview so that you can light the interviewee in a way that matches the lighting of your background.

4. Prepare the Interviewee Beforehand

Great videos often include interviews with top executives, key employees and important clients. The commentary given by these individuals drives the video’s core message and helps communicate the brand. A helpful strategy is to send the interviewees the questions well in advance of the shoot. This will help them better prepare their thoughts, and ease some of the anxiety that can be associated with being the subject of a video interview. If you are not familiar with the interviewee, schedule an in-person meeting with them to go over the questions. This will also help you gain a better feel for their personality and how they may come across on camera.

5. Use Experienced Personnel To Conduct the Interview

At Bosse Studios, we always use an experienced member of our team to conduct interviews. This approach ensures that the interviewee has a positive experience that yields solid results. The sole focus of the interviewer should be on the interview itself and not with other jobs such as camera operation, lighting, audio etc… The interviewer’s role is to keep the interviewee focused yet relaxed. It is often helpful to chat with the interviewee on the day of the shoot before filming so that their first experience speaking with you in person is not on camera. This personal approach goes a long way in creating a more relaxed setting, and is helpful in getting the individual comfortable enough to deliver their best performance.

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